Fusion Energy Defense Association
FEDA will be the trusted leader among military, government, industry and academia. Membership in FEDA will help harness the promises of fusion energy for a better more independent tomorrow.
Advocate support and defend issues that contribute to the strength, resiliency, and capacity of fusion energy research and commercial production of viable products and innovation
Create, Build and celebrate a vigorous, responsive, and collaborative community in support of Fusion Energy and Research
Care, Convene and advance legal and ethical forums for the exchange of ideas, information, view points, and capabilities

The Fusion Energy Defense Association drives strategic dialogue in fusion energy research and commercialization to deliver sustainable energy for a growing future by securing and identifying key issues and leveraging the knowledge and experience of its military, government, industry, and academic members to address them.
FEDA, will be comprised of its Affiliates, Chapters, Divisions, and corporate and individual members, as a non-partisan, non-profit, educational association that will been designated by the IRS as a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization—not a lobby firm—and is founded to educate its constituencies on all aspects of fusion energy.
FEDA will provided a platform through which leaders in government, industry, and academia can collaborate and provide solutions to advance research and development of sustainable fusion energy as both supporting the energy dominance, national security and defense needs of the nation.
FEDA Divisions will facilitate government and industry interchanges, offering a wide array of opportunities to contribute ideas, make recommendations, and participate in objective studies and analyses with government. The Divisions will maintain close contact with representatives of appropriate government agencies and, through their constructive counsel, become institutions in American defense-industry relationships.
FEDA Chapters will offer the opportunity for individual and business coordination with regional military commands and working levels of the federal government. They are important elements that will help FEDA and its members understand defense and national security requirements and needs.

FEDA's soon to be released monthly journal, Fusion Energy Magazine, will provide information on the latest developments in technology, commercialization, research and other important business information tailored to issues of concern for industry and government.
FEDA works to strengthen the government-industry partnership through dialogue, education, and interaction with Congress and Executive agencies. Through its Policy team, FEDA monitors, advances, and educates its members on legislative and regulatory activity of importance to the industrial base. FEDA will also be part of several industry working groups and coalitions that meet periodically to coordinate the defense and government contracting communities' position on specific issues.